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Pre-commit configuration

this project uses pre-commit to run checks on every commit.

Configuration file: .pre-commit-config.yaml

If you initialize you project using make install pre-commit is already installed and configured. If not, you can install pre-commit running in terminal uv run pre-commit install in the root of the project.


This repository contains some out-of-the-box hooks provided by the pre-commit project.

  • trailing-whitespace: This hook trims trailing whitespace.
  • end-of-file-fixer: This hook ensures that a file is either empty, or ends with one newline.
  • check-yaml: This hook checks yaml files for parseable syntax.
  • check-case-conflict: This hook checks for files with names that would conflict on a case-insensitive filesystem like MacOS HFS+ or Windows FAT.
  • debug-statements: This hook checks for Python debug statements.
  • detect-private-key: This hook checks for the addition of private keys.
  • check-merge-conflict: This hook checks for files that contain merge conflict strings.
  • check-ast: This hook checks Python source files for syntactically valid ast.
  • check-added-large-files: This hook prevents adding large files. The max size is configurable.


This repository contains hooks for the Ruff programming language.

  • ruff: This hook runs the Ruff linter with the --fix option to automatically fix issues in scripts and notebooks and a custom configuration file.
  • ruff-format: This hook runs the Ruff formatter.


This repository contains a mirror of mypy for pre-commit.

  • mypy: This hook runs mypy, a static type checker for Python, with a custom configuration file.


This repository contains a tool to detect secrets in the code base. yelp detect-secrets

  • detect-secrets: This hook runs detect-secrets, a tool to detect secrets in the code base.
  • detect-secrets-jupyter: This hook runs detect-secrets specifically for Jupyter notebooks.