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GitHub Action:Pre-commit auto-update

This GitHub Action file configures a workflow named "Pre-commit auto-update". This workflow is responsible for automatically updating the pre-commit hooks in your repository.


Workflow Details

  • on: This workflow is triggered in two situations:

  • schedule: It runs automatically every Monday at 7:00 UTC (according to the cron schedule "0 7 * * 1").

  • workflow_dispatch: This allows the workflow to be manually run from the GitHub user interface.
  • jobs: Defines a job named "pre-commit-update".

Job "pre-commit-update" Details

runs-on: This job runs on the latest version of Ubuntu.

steps: Defines the steps to be followed in this job.

Checkout: This step uses the actions/checkout@v3 action to get a copy of the repository.

Update pre-commit hooks: This step uses the brokenpip3/action-pre-commit-update action to update the pre-commit hooks. This action requires a GitHub token to function, which is passed through github-token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}. PAT is a secret stored in the repository settings that contains a personal access token with repository scope.

In summary, this workflow takes care of keeping the pre-commit hooks in the repository up-to-date, running automatically every Monday and also allowing manual execution whenever necessary.